Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Curiosities of Vacations

We usually start our vacations out with a preflight beer at the airport. Unfortunately the selection is usually limited, Sam Adams is our standard fair. This is where the curiosities start to creep in "What beers will we find?" "What breweries will we visit?" "What people will we meet?". Even though we leave home highly prepared having brewery tours scheduled , mini-trips (over an hour away from initial destination) arranged and even people to meet up with there is always the unknown. This unknown usually involves the people we meet. We have met some great people , the bartender in Kansas City who jumped up on the bar to watch a movie in between pours, the bartender at the Flying Saucer Cleaveland who homebrewed and had brewed with Adam Avery (catch the theme). We can plan to find good beer, we can plan to visit the most renowned breweries but the people are what makes the place. The best beer can be ruined by a bad bartender. So as we are waiting to leave we can only hope to meet up with some great beer people.

Check back soon for our 1st Cali post
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